Stone Painting

Stone Painting

Stone Painting

  • Total Course Fees:RS 1000/- to Rs.9000/-  (Fees Depend on Student Drawing Level, Material & Duration)
  • Duration:1day to 4 Months
  • No of Session: 1 to 32 / Per Session Duration:90 Min
  • Minimum Req. Session: weekly 2 days (Miss Session will be cover)
  • Weekend & weekdays batches (Flexible batches as per your convenient)


stone painting - Schedule 11 212x300 - Stone Painting

Painting stones and pebbles is a fun and student will enjoy Pebbles and stones to keep or transform into your own masterpieces.

Painting stones and pebbles is a fun and student will enjoy Pebbles and stones to keep or transform into your own masterpieces. For Pebbles and stones we use acrylic paint & epoxy.  We shares everything you need to get started including the right art materials & painting tips.

Pencil 2B, sketch, eraser, Acrylic colour, Palette, Brush synthetic round 2, 4, 6, 8.  flat 2, 4, 6, 8 ,10, 12. rough cloth, bowl, texture white, Epoxy.

Student Work:


stone painting - Stone Painting C09 06 07 - Stone Painting

stone painting - Stone Painting C09 06 01 206x300 - Stone Painting

stone painting - Stone Painting C09 06 04 300x250 - Stone Painting

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  1. Stone Painting Session 1

  2. Stone Painting Session 2

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