Shading & Stylization

Shading & Stylization

Shading & Stylization

  • Total Course Fees:RS 2450/- to Rs.7000/- (Fees Depend on Student Drawing Level & Duration)
  • Duration:8 days to 4 Months
  • No of Session: 8 to 40 / Per Session Duration:90 Min
  • Minimum Req. Session: weekly 2 days (Miss Session will be cover)
  • Weekend & weekdays batches (Flexible batches as per your convenient)

shading & stylization - Schedule 14 212x300 - Shading & Stylization

Drawing And Shading Concept, Light Effect, Nature & Object Shading, Colour Shading, Model & Portrait Shading, Shading Types, Tools, Media Variation & Benefits.

This courses covers diifrent type of shading Hatching, Cross-Hatching, Blending, Rendering, Random lines, Stippling, -Applying countless small dots to build up darker values in a drawing. Light and Shadows, Diffuse and Shading  U will learn how to pressure applied to the medium or by using a blending tool, such a blending stump. Multiple Lights & Reflection,  & much more…

Drawing paper A3 size shading pencil HB,2B, 4b, 6b, 8b, 10B, 12b, rough paper pad A3 size, cutter, eraser, charcoal pencil, Ink (Black), soft pastel, oil pastels, poster colour, writing pen.

Student Work:


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shading & stylization - Shading Stylization C08 02 04 e1571462125729 300x169 - Shading & Stylization

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  1. Shading & Stylization  Session 1

  2. Shading & Stylization  Session 2

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