Decopatch Painting

Decopatch Painting

Decopatch Painting

    • Total Course Fees:RS 1000/- to Rs.9000/-  (Fees Depend on Student Drawing Level, Material & Duration)
    • Duration:1day to 4 Months
    • No of Session: 1 to 32 / Per Session Duration:90 Min
    • Minimum Req. Session: weekly 2 days (Miss Session will be cover)
    • Weekend & weekdays batches (Flexible batches as per your convenient)


decopatch painting - Schedule 11 212x300 - Decopatch Painting

Decoupage or decoupage is the art of decorating an object by gluing colored paper cutouts onto it in combination with special paint effects.

Course Cover:  Decoupage or decoupage is the art of decorating an object by gluing colored paper cutouts onto it in combination with special paint effects.

Pencil 2B, drawing paper A3 size, Cutter, sketch paper regular paper, eraser, Colour, Palette, Brush synthetic round 2, 4, 6, 8.  flat 2, 4, 6, 8 ,10, 12. rough cloth, bowl, texture white.

Student Work:


decopatch painting - Decopatch Painting C09 09 03 300x169 - Decopatch Painting

decopatch painting - Decopatch Painting C09 09 02 242x300 - Decopatch Painting

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  1. Decopatch Painting Session 1

  2. Decopatch Painting Session 2

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