Perspective Drawing

Perspective Drawing

Perspective Drawing

  • Total Course Fees:RS 1850/- to Rs.5000/-  (Fees Depend on Student Drawing Level & Duration)
  • Duration:8 days to 3 Months
  • No of Session: 8 to 32 / Per Session Duration:90 Min
  • Minimum Req. Session: weekly 2 days (Miss Session will be cover)
  • Weekend & weekdays batches (Flexible batches as per your convenient)

perspective drawing - Schedule 14 212x300 - Perspective Drawing

Object Drawing, Balance, Views, 2 Dimensions, 3 Dimensions Drawing, Compose, Applications  & Much More.

Perspective is what gives a three-dimensional feeling to a flat image such as a drawing or a painting. In art, it is a system of representing the way that objects appear to get smaller and closer together the farther away they are from the viewer. Perspective is key to almost any drawing or sketch as well as many paintings. It is one of the fundamentals that you need to understand in order to create realistic and believable scenes. ( One-Point Perspective, Two-Point Perspective).

A3 size drawing paper, shading pencils HB, 2B, 4b, 6b, 8b, Rough paper, A3 size pad, cutter, eraser, colour pencil 24 shades.

Student Work:


perspective drawing - Perspective Drawing C08 10 06 300x210 - Perspective Drawing

perspective drawing - Perspective Drawing C08 10 02 300x169 - Perspective Drawing

perspective drawing - Perspective Drawing C08 10 04 300x169 - Perspective Drawing

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  1. Perspective Drawing Session 1

  2. Perspective Drawing Session 2

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