Art and Paint

Art and Paint

Art and Paint

  • Total Course Fees: 5000/- to Rs.13000/- (Fees Depend on Student Drawing Level & Duration)
  • Duration:Half year or Full year (1st Semester: June to Nov, 2nd Semester: Nov to April)
  • No of Session: 40 or 80 / Per Session Duration:90 Min
  • Minimum Req. Session: weekly 2 days (Miss Session will be cover)
  • Weekend & weekdays batches (Flexible batches as per your convenient)

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How to Colour with Crayons & Oil Pastel Colors, Point to Point Drawing, Print Making etc.

This course improves Kids Gross Motor Skills. This course has Gross Motor Activities for toddlers and preschoolers. These activities work on the little movements that kids need. It'll help strengthen those little muscles to get them ready to draw & colour.

Scissors, Drawing Paper (a3) Size, A4 Size Rough paper, Oil Pastel 50 shade, Poster Colour 12 shade, Brush: flat no - 6, Round-6, 8, Colour Palette, HB, 6B pencil, Colour pencil, Toothbrush, Sketch Pen 12 shades, Black Sketch pen etc.

Student Work:


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  1. Art & Paint Session 1

  2. Art and Paint Session 2

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